I managed to complete the challenges (that I'm still sticking with) but I definitely think that I didn't try to and I only made it this week because of what the challenges were. I lucked out with timing.
52 Weeks to Simplify Your Life: Catch your breath - Check!
Really? This week I didn't have to do anything. Okay so maybe I should have been reflecting on the past few weeks of this challenge but I didn't. It didn't say I had to. I'm saying I took a breath this week. Luckily I took many breaths, otherwise I'd be dead.
52 Challenges in the Organized Home: Cookbooks and recipes - Check!
Again, I only completed this because I only own a few cookbooks. I do all my recipes online or in files on my computer. Perhaps I could have organized some of them better than they are done now, but they're organized enough.
52 New Foods Challenge - Check!
I lucked out completely on this one. I made a pre-packaged meal that I had picked up at the grocery store a week ago. I've never had bisque. I don't really know why other than the one or two times that I've been in restaurants that were serving it, I was told the particular kind that was available was spicy and I don't eat spicy food. So I had it this week and I am now able to say I ate a new food this week. I promise, my intentions are to eat more interesting "new" foods.
Ricotta & Lobster Ravioli in a seafood bisque |
My original intentions had to do with a list that I remembered seeing of 100 foods that were unique to try on Facebook a few years ago. I was able to find the list today and I copied and pasted the list into a spreadsheet on google that anyone can access. Feel free to copy it if you want to.
Food List Challenge
I'm hoping to check some of these items off that aren't already checked off, as well as things like Brussels sprouts and cow tongue and such.
52 Week Money Challenge - Check!
Okay so I technically failed this, but I'm going to say I completed it on a technicality. I don't have the exact bills to put in the jar because I haven't had a chance to get to the bank, but I have the money in my account ready to be pulled out tomorrow on my way home from work.
This was the easiest challenge that I actually did put an effort in to. My week days follow a set-in-stone routine so it isn't hard to list it out gym, feed animals, ready for work, leave for work, work, figure out dinner, make dinner, do chores, check email, go to bed. Repeat.
I didn't even look at this calendar for the rest of the month.
And I didn't even look at this one either.
No Spend February
I didn't exactly succeed at this one since I did go do a major shopping trip and filled up the basement freezer, but I did spend less than half of what I normally spend on groceries this month and I did spend very little on "junk" during the month overall. I like this challenge because it definitely makes me think twice in the days, weeks, and months after it is over about spending on "stuff" that I really don't need.
As for my homesteading and gardening challenges - I'm working on them and they're still on track, although I wish I was outside getting more done right now...