Friday, February 22, 2013

A woman never sleeps

I was really worried about not completing challenges this week.  I mean I already dropped two of them this month, and I felt semi-justified because of the whole can't-check-a-calendar-every-day thing, but to not complete any of the 52 week challenges would feel like failure to me.

So after watching Grey's Anatomy I forced myself to go work on the refrigerator.  I told myself I just had to do the fridge and not the freezer.  I was actually looking forward to this only because I knew there were salad dressings and other containers of stuff I wanted to get rid of.

So I set to work, starting from the top, working toward the bottom.  I figured I could keep cleaning until I got tired and as dirt fell, it would go to a lower area that I would get to later.  

The closer I got to getting the main area clean, the more I wanted to clean the door.  That's where the "good" stuff was.  The stuff I wanted to throw away.  :)

I got everything cleaned and organized and stepped back to admire what I'd finished and told myself I would do the freezer tomorrow.

For the food stalkers:
Carrots, lettuce, grapes, salad, juice, milk, water, eggs, cheese, fruit, mayo, salad dressing, and chicken broth.

Funny that I have so much beer, considering I don't drink beer.
And then I admitted that I was going to be pretty busy tomorrow with outside chores, hopefully building the new chicken coop, and then hosting old friends, so I might as well do the freezer now.

Just a little cramped in there
I don't even know what is buried in those doors
Things went pretty fast.  I managed to find a bag of beans and a single freezer burned waffle for the chickens to eat as well as two tubs of sherbert and frozen yogurt that needed to be tossed.  The hardest part was the frozen pees all over the freezer.  Odd since I hate pees.

I got the job done and made sure to place the homemade biscuits front and center.

Oh I wasn't done.  I had just read about cleaning a dishwasher, so I figured I might as well do that since I already had cleaning gloves on.  So I did.

Now, I can rest...

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